Is Elevate Academy a good fit for me
Elevate Academy is a meaningful professional growth experience for a wide range of educators and educational leaders helping them to reach their goals.
If so, Elevate Academy may be exactly what you are looking for!
Are you…
a certified KY educator with a current Rank III or Rank II credential?
a new educator who is ready for a raise while building or honing strong instructional practices?
an experienced educator who is ready for a raise while implementing evidence-based practices?
an experienced educator seeking a salary increase for improved retirement benefits while sharpening your expertise?
a school or district leader who is looking for a meaningful way to earn your Rank I?
an educator who is looking for a cost effective and customized way to earn a Rank II or Rank I?

Candidates must have a current KY teaching certificate with a Rank III or Rank II
No minimum teaching experience is required
CTE CAREER-certified educators are not currently eligible due to different rank change regulations
Educators cannot have completed a CEO program for rank change in the past
If you would like to verify your eligibility for Elevate Academy, please contact us!​